Kerry Camino
The Walkers Pack

The Walkers pack consists of the following:
- The log book
- A Kerry Camino Leaflet
- A mountain Safety Leaflet
- other information
The Log Book
The log book is where the walker stores the stamps from the stamping stations to show their progress through the walk. (download) here
The log book opens out into a sheet with spaces for each stamp. Here is a log book that has stamps in it.
The Kerry Camino Leaflet
The Information Leaflet Provides additional information to the walker about some of the sites along the route
The Mountain Safety Leaflet
Give tips to the novice walker on basic safety in the outdoors it also outlines how a walker should behave with regard to private property, closing gates after you and respecting the environment.
Other Information
Depending on where you get your pack there will be other leaflets and information added to the pack as we supply the pack and containing wallet to tourist offices and hotels in the region (for free). These establishments are free to add information on services and things to do in the locality.